Blog Quote

Fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run. ~Kipling

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Post for Thanksgiving

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you make look back and realize they were the big things.” ~Robert Brault
As we meditate on our deepest and most miraculous blessings, we shouldn't forget the common everyday things that we must also be thankful for... Sometimes it is those things that make who we are and how we view our days. Here is a list of 50 little things for which I am grateful.....

1. Cinnamon in my coffee.
2. A smile and friendly “hi!” from a stranger.
3. When my inbox is full.
4. Buzz.
5. A good book on a rainy day.
6. Quoting movie lines.
7. An extra-long hug from a friend.
8. Being able to concentrate in prayer.
9. Whoever invented Fig Newtons.
10. Funny chat statuses.
11. The smell of toast.
12. Laughing out loud at my friends’ witty emails.
13. Slippers.
14. Coming into a warm room from the cold outdoors.
15. Taking off a pair of socks or stockings I’ve worn all day.
16. Writing with a good, inky pen.
17. Scarves :)
18. Dessert my sister made.
19. Snow falling at night.
20. When my current favorite song is playing on the radio.
21. Computer backgrounds and ipod wallpapers
22. Ankle-deep leaves on the street.
23. When people laugh at my jokes.
24. Crawling into clean sheets.
25. Waking up with a song in my head.
26. Mascara.
27. Guests at the Shabbat table.
28. Challah.
29. Birthday surprises.
30. Previews.
31. When my friends think I composed a saying by my favorite author.
32. Inside jokes.
33. Soundtracks.
34. Latin quotes.
35. “How It Should Have Ended” videos.
36. Unique words.
37. Sunsets.
38. Reading old stories I forgot I wrote.
39. Mozart symphonies.
40. Watching three (or four….) movies in a row at night.
41. Smiling in bed when remembering funny memories.
42. Dancing when no one is looking.
43. Bossing adults around at cycling class :)
44. Understanding something when everyone else is confused.
45. Laughing at The People of WalMart
46. Good poetry.
47. Hardback books.
48. Writing the “pi” symbol.
49.  Sand between my toes.
50. When Scarlett falls asleep purring in my lap. 

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